Membership Application Form for Businesses

If the company has multiple locations, please put the one where you/the contact person report to.
We may contact this person as part of your company's membership application process.
What is the nature of your business? * If you select "other", please describe in a few sentences what your company does.
Do you produce single-use plastic items? *
Do you use single-use plastic to package your products? *
Do you sell or give away single-use plastics? *
Do you sell or make plastic-free, reusable, and/or zero waste products as the bulk of your business? *
Does your business implement reuse or refill systems or practices? *
Does your company agree with the vision that the production of plastic must be reduced as far as possible? *
How does your business manage the plastic packaging used for your products? * You can choose more than one.
Does your company support waste incineration and/or any of its variants like thermal waste to energy, gasification, etc.? *
Does your company endorse ‘novel recycling technologies’ such as chemical recycling, plastic to fuel or pyrolysis? *
Does your company endorse bioplastics or plastic made from plants or unusual feedstocks as substitute for fossil fuel based plastics? *
Does your company offer or endorse plastic credits or offsetting? *
Please put N/A if not applicable to your business.
Does your company receive funding from the plastics and/or fossil fuel industry? *
Please include any business practices that align with BFFP’s mission and principles.